Water can be clear or murky, powerful as the ocean, or powerfully subtle as the formation of caverns. Water creates life, yet can be destructive. It covers our earth. It fills our bodies. Water evokes mystery, and moodiness. Unpredictable as water is, it is useful, and it cleans things up.

That pretty much describes what I want to say and how I want my posts to be.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

dark hearts

I see your nefarious hearts.
  Your guise doesn't hide the scrawny crows
            pecking at the viscerals of Goodness.
   dark hearts wear halos made of foil and cardboard,
 they who drink tea and bake up casseroles of bigotry and lies.
          dark hearts..the rightgeous angelic facade
                  for the hyenas
                      who stalk the truth to warp it into their own power..
                               ..need for control.
  Oh dark hearts wear splendid holy white robes...
   with fascist white hoods...
                                ..need to control
               all who are different,
                      who are not of their number.
    Beware the seraphic show.
         It doesn't really hide dark hearts of stone
            mortared with malevolence.


  1. Very cool poem. I've listed you in my Truckbuddies blogs and given you a little plug, hope you don't mind.

    BTW, *love* the awesome title pic, that's beautiful.
